Browse Items (54 total)

Unknown, Interior of 18-inch dome, axis and tubes


Unknown, Interior of 18-inch dome, axis and tubes, 1894

Interior of 18-inch dome, axis and tubes, 1894

Unknown, Interior of 18-inch telescope dome


Unknown, Interior of 18-inch telescope dome, 1894

Interior of 18-inch telescope dome, 1894

Unknown, 18-inch telescope dome


Unknown, 18-inch telescope dome, 1894

18-inch telescope dome, 1894

Unknown, 18-inch telescope dome


Unknown, 18-inch telescope dome, 1894

18-inch telescope dome, 1894

Unknown, 18-inch telescope dome


Unknown, 18-inch telescope dome, 1894

18-inch telescope dome, 1894

Unknown, Skeleton of 18-inch telescope dome, beginning of construction


Unknown, Skeleton of 18-inch telescope dome, beginning of construction, 1894

Skeleton of 18-inch telescope dome at the beginning of construction, 1894

Unknown, 12-inch and 18-inch telescopes on a single mount, 1894


Unknown, 12-inch and 18-inch telescopes on a single mount, 1894, 1894

Interior of dome with 12-inch and 18-inch telescopes on a single mount, designed by Alvan Clark.

Unknown, Clyde Tombaugh at 13-inch telescope eyepiece


Unknown, Clyde Tombaugh at 13-inch telescope eyepiece, ca. 1930

Clyde Tombaugh at the 13-inch telescope eyepiece. Tombaugh discovered Pluto on February 18, 1930.

Unknown, Clyde Tombaugh at the door of the 13-inch telescope


Unknown, Clyde Tombaugh at the door of the 13-inch telescope, ca. 1930

Clyde Tombaugh at the door of the 13-inch telescope. Tombaugh discovered Pluto on February 18, 1930.

Unknown, Constance Lowell at Percival Lowell's Mausoleum


Unknown, Constance Lowell at Percival Lowell's Mausoleum, ca. 1925

Percival Lowell's widow, Constance, mourns at his mausoleum on Mars Hill.

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